22 April 2017

Re/Place(d) - site-specific storytelling

New creative writing project Re/Place(d) just launched! Read all about it here.

18 April 2017

Word search

Manchester's best avant garde poetry night, The Other Room, recently celebrated its ninth birthday, with a temporary shift of venue to the King's Arms in Salford in order to accommodate a choir. There were noises, repetition and bubbles, as in the kind kids blow about. The rather excellent event also saw the launch of the experimentalists' ninth anthology, which brings together work contributed by all the artists who have performed at The Other Room over the last year, including yours truly. Loving the word search-inspired cover. Get a copy here. One third of TOR organisers, Tom Jenks, will be reading at the official launch of David Gaffney's new novel, All The Places I've Ever Lived, on 18 May at The Wonder Inn. See more here.