Even I'm bored by the football World Cup, although Portugal beating North Korea 7-0 may have been a bizarre highlight given the dearth of goals the tournament has brought our way so far. Thank goodness, therefore, for a bit of a distraction in other places, namely, er, Norwich, coincidentally currently bidding to become a UNESCO City Of Literature. Kicking off yesterday at the Writers' Centre was the Worlds Literature Festival (which surely should have an apostophe - where the devil's Lynne Truss when you need her? Why, presenting daily essays on the World Cup on Radio 4's Today programme, of course).

Perhaps in a nod to the hosts of the omnipotent soccer competition, this particular week of fixtures includes an evening with four South African writers. Proceedings wind down on Sunday, but between now and then friend of Words & Fixtures and fellow Manchester blogger Adrian "Art Of Fiction" Slatcher will be reporting live from the various events taking place, from workshops on "strange" poetry writing to talks on how to publish long fiction, courtesy of Manchester University lecturers John McAuliffe and MJ Hyland respectively. The train from Piccadilly must have been rammed.

Perhaps in a nod to the hosts of the omnipotent soccer competition, this particular week of fixtures includes an evening with four South African writers. Proceedings wind down on Sunday, but between now and then friend of Words & Fixtures and fellow Manchester blogger Adrian "Art Of Fiction" Slatcher will be reporting live from the various events taking place, from workshops on "strange" poetry writing to talks on how to publish long fiction, courtesy of Manchester University lecturers John McAuliffe and MJ Hyland respectively. The train from Piccadilly must have been rammed.
I think it was more like wacky races, coming in different routes from different parts of the world! Maybe on the way back...